Moving? Relocate Pets Safely And Comfortably

If you are moving to a new home, whether across the country or across the street, it is important to consider your pets. Imagine how confusing it may be for dogs and cats to be dropped in a foreign location without their familiar surroundings, sights, and smells. Here are some tips that can make the move easier, safer, and more comfortable for your pets.

Find a Vet

Before you pack a single box, make efforts to transfer to a new veterinarian — and do it in advance. You never know how long the process will take to get an appointment. Ask your current vet for a recommendation, if possible. Not moving that far away? Have your veterinarian give your pets wellness visits once settled to make sure they are acclimating healthily and happily.

Update the Microchip

Make sure to update their microchip information before you settle in your new home. If your pet is not microchipped, this is the perfect time to do so. How else will you find your pet if they become separated from you in unfamiliar surroundings? It is inexpensive to microchip a pet; talk to your current veterinarian to learn more. For more information on microchipping, contact a professional near you.

Expect some Anxiety

Pets can become anxious when moving time is nigh. They seem to suspect that change is in the air, and the disarray or process of moving can make them unsettled. Use care and patience to soothe anxious pets as moving day approaches and try to make arrangements for them to be out of the house and someplace quiet during the actual move.

Pack a Bag

Start compiling and packing a pet emergency kit for the move now. This contains things like medicines and grooming tools, as well as food and bottled water. Include some comfort items, like a favorite blanket or some biscuits, and always remember to pack a copy of pertinent veterinary records. This will come in useful when you are unpacking and adjusting to your new home.

Create a Hideaway

Before you unpack, designate one room for the pets. This room must be able to be closed and secured so they don't escape or flee during the move. Create a comfy place for them to decompress and get accustomed to the scents of the new home. Supervise your pets in the new surroundings carefully until they are fully adjusted.

Do your Research

Make sure to familiarize yourself with any laws or ordinances that could impact you and your pets, if moving to another region. While your hometown may be dog-friendly, others may not. Make sure that you know the leash laws and dog park locations in your new community.

If you are moving, use these tips to make it an easier adjustment for your pets. Talk to your current veterinarian about specific tips and tricks to acclimate to the new home while you initiate finding a vet and other resources in your new locale.

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About Me

Identifying Veterinary Challenges Do you remember the last time you really stopped to think about how healthy your animals were? Although it might seem like a simple task, keeping your animals happy, healthy, and well-adjusted can be difficult for just about anyone. However, with the help of a trained veterinarian, things become much more straightforward. I began working hard on helping my animals a few months back, and it was neat to explore how much better they were behaving. This website centers around identifying and resolving veterinary challenges one day at a time. Check out this website for great tips that could help you every day.




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